• South Island, New Zealand

    New Zealand is the land of sheep, it’s true. Though you may not see many sheep in all these photos, rest assured that for most of our journey, most of the landscape here…

  • Fiji: The Answer

    There are many options in Fiji, the most popular being the Yiawas and the Coral Coast. We want to find a nice place by the sea, not too costly, and stay there a…

  • Vanuatu

    What to say about Vanuatu? In our case there’s not so much. We stay here for less than a week and spend the time on the island of Port Vila. This is not…

  • Down Under

    This is going to be a loooong article! Our point of entry in Australia is Sydney airport, where (after some flight delay) we are met by my good friend Andy. We spend a…

  • The Gili Islands

    The Gilis are a string of three little islands just of Lombok in Indonesia. These islands are completely without motorized transport and have a reputation for being quite well removed from normal every-day…

  • Bali to Gili Ferry Crossing

    Ferries from Padangbai to the Gilis are available via Lombok or direct, with the former being much cheaper but taking up to 9 hours and taking you through through an alleged hellhole called…

  • Bali

    There is a ferry port in Banyuwangi on Java where ferries leave for Bali daily. We have some loooong bus journeys coming from Bromo. In fact, the bus that is supposed to go…

  • Yogyakarta

    We depart in an Executive coach on the train from Jakarta Gambir station to Yogyakarta on Java, better known as Yogya (“Jogja”). We’re armed with a packed lunch from Dunkin Donuts which is…